‘ARCO’02’, ephemeral architectures. International art fair. Architectural design of every public space within the fair: common areas and stands, rest areas, info points, etc. Highly published, well known and popular.
ARCO Info Points: Inflatable and portable structures serving as set for information and selling points. Co-designed with Inflate UK.
‘The Written Word’: Area that showcases Art Magazines and publishers dedicated to contemporary art. Co-designed with Pablo Valbuena.
Botanical Art Chill Out: Fiber-optics & vegetation cocoon used as chill out area. Co-designed with Ximo Lizana.
‘El Mundo’ stand: Chill out area and stand for ‘El Mundo’ newspaper and magazine*.
Live TV set & stand: Inflatable and portable design of a small but very smart TV set. Co-designed with Inflate UK*.
IFEMA Madrid, Spain.
* Not Realised
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